Parallel sessions
Dates and deadlines
Conference venue
Fees and payment
Hotels and flights
Contact details
The conference fee is:
- EUR 280
- EUR 180 for Laatukeskus members (Excellence Finland) and WWF Green Office company representants if paid at the latest on 30 April 2007
- EUR 90 for students (not for PhD students, student card required), for participants from the new EU countries (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Malta, Cyprus, Romania and Bulgaria), and for YJY members (the Finnish Association for Environmental Management) if paid at the latest on 30 April 2007
The fee includes the get-together party on Wednesday 23rd of May, conference proceedings, as well as lunches and coffee at the conference venue.
Conference dinner on Thursday costs additional EUR 40 and the voluntary leisure programme on Friday additional EUR 50 (see details on the Programme page).
Please pay your conference fee, conference dinner and voluntary programme to the following bank account. Please write "EMAN2007/82931, VA 33000, [participant's name]" as the reference when paying. Otherwise we cannot identify your payment.
For Finnish participants:
Bank account: Nordea 166030-105075
Recipient: TKK, P.O.Box 1000, 02015 TKK, Finland
NB! Please remember to use the reference given above.
For foreign participants:
IBAN: FI9316603000105075
Bank: Nordea Bank Finland Plc.
Recipient: TKK, P.O.Box 1400, 02015 TKK, Finland
NB! Please remember to use the reference given above.
50 % of the participation fee will be refunded, if the participation is calcelled at the latest on 10 May 2007 by emailing the conference secretary. Later cancellations will not be refunded.
10 June 2007 - Sirpa Kauppinen