
Market Analysis and Risk Management of EU Emissions Trading (MARMET / POMAR)

A joint research project of University of Helsinki, Helsinki University of Technology, and GreenStream Network Oy. The objectives are to develop a price estimation model for EU emission allowances and to develop risk management competence related to EU emission allowances.

More information:


  • Anna Kumpulainen
  • GSM: +358 41 545 8859



EMA-Net - Nordic and Baltic Environmental Management Accounting Network

EMA-Net is a network of three Nordic countries (Finland, Sweden, Denmark) and two Baltic countries (Estonia, Lithuania). The aim of the EMA-Net is to boost the implementation and use of Environmental Management Accounting (EMA) in these countries. Christine Jasch from Austria acts as an external consultant and trainer in the EMA-Net.

More information: EMA-Net Brochure


  • Anna Kumpulainen
  • GSM: +358 41 545 8859



Education of  Environmental Management and Accounting

Environmental Management
Environmental Accounting

(In Finnish.)


  • Tuula Pohjola
  • GSM: +358 50 511 3703
  • email:



DQE - Toward the sustainable region

In DQE - project Hut participies Interregional Work Group 3 Knowledge Management. The project comes form the idea that Sustainable Development should be a competitiveness option for regions and businesses. Educational material: DQE-material. More information about DQE - project.


  • Siru Kauppinen
  • GSM: +358 40 540 4691



Environmental law - Interactive learning system based on web

Helsinki University of Technology, Lahti Center and Institute of law are developing together a new system to teach and learn environmental law and environmental management in interactive way.


  • Nani Pajunen
  • GSM: +358 40 550 4449



Feasibility studies os sustainable building projects in Pirkanmaa region (Tampere)

Several technology strategy and brokerage projects in woodworking industry. PArticipation in regional branch strategy preparation in eastern Finland and in Pirkanmaa.


  • Eino Timola
  • GSM: +358 44 074 5401



Entry Strategy for sustainable Building Challengers (VALIKE)

The objective is to develope a model for sustainable Business in construction and building material sector. Please ask your opportunity to join into network. PhD research project.


  • Eino Timola
  • GSM: +358 44 074 5401



ELMO Virtual Education and Learning Materials of Environmental Issues
1.8.2004 - 31.12.2006

Participants to this project are Lahti Polytechnic (LAMK), the University of Helsinki (HY), the Lahti University Consortium, Helsinki University of Technology (TKK), Tampere University of Technology (TTY), Greenenvironment Oy, Lahti Health Control and Environment Protection Centre and Lahti Science and Business Park. The objective is to develop an environmental eLearning programme by combining the know-how in environmental education of several higher education organisations and promoting their collaboration.


  • Irma Mäkelä,
  • +358 3 828 3089
  • Linnaistentie 33, 15150 Lahti, Finland



Finished projects



LIFE02 - Ecotra  Ecological Transportation

Emistra Emission of Transportation


  • Tuula Pohjola
  • GSM: +358 50 511 3703
  • email:



Interaction between actors of organic demand-supply chain 01.01.2004-31.12.2005

In cooperation with Finfood Luomu and MTTL (Agrifood research Finland, Economic Research), funded by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MMM), this project aims at understanding how four different organic food chains function and how different actors co-operate and relate to each other. The aim is to suggest improvements of the functionality of the organic food chains in order for the supply and the potential consumer demand identified in surveys to match.





- Sirpa Kauppinen 31.2.2007 -